About AF

Alfafusion Enterprise AI Chatbot Solutions

With 21 years of IT expertise, Alfafusion stands as the premier provider of AI chatbot solutions in the Philippines, with proven successful implementations of feature-rich enterprise chatbots as well as creative and engaging bot concepts. Alfafusion’s AI service is supported by a solid, versatile AI platform with scalable dashboard components that can accommodate various use cases.

The ALFA AI System

The ALFA AI System combines intuitive conversation design, machine learning, and Natural Language Processing to enable us to develop innovative and powerful chatbots that are tailored to your business’ needs, objectives, and specifications. Whether it is aiding the consumer journey through marketing support or expanding online services with customer service and in-app transactions, Alfafusion chatbots can provide large-scale organizations enterprise solutions with the flexibility they require for leveraging the power of artificial intelligence.


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AlfaFusion Blog

How AI and Chatbots Help Businesses

  • 6 Ways You Can Use Chatbots If Your Business is Show Business

    For a business that has content for commodity and contemporaneity as its currency, the media and entertainment industry could really learn a thing or two about how it can wield chatbots – which also lives on content and being up-to-date – to do its bidding. Here are the 6 different ways you can take […]

  • 5 Ways Chatbots Put the Fast in the Fast-moving Consumer Goods Industry

    The Fast-moving Consumer Goods industry has always been about establishing the value of commodity as necessity in people’s daily lives. Luckily, chatbots can deliver the FAST in fast-moving consumer goods and make sure that your company maintains its profit and never forgets the CONSUMER in the FMCG equation. Here are all the ways how: […]

  • 8 Crucial Facebook Messenger Statistics for Your Business as of 2018

    According to Statista, Messenger stands as the most popular messaging app worldwide based on its number of monthly active users as of 2018, which tells us that there is no better place for your business to be than inside Facebook Messenger, and what technology lets you do that other than chatbots? Here is a list […]

  • 4 Resourceful Ways You Can Use Chatbots to Get More Clients for Your Marketing Agency

    To get clients, you can always go old school and run ad campaigns, ask for referrals, and make a round of cold calls… or you can do it the easy way and let a chatbot handle your sales for you. Here are some smart ways you can use chatbots to get clients for your marketing […]

  • 5 Reasons Why Chatbots are a Big Deal in E-Commerce: Number 5 Will Make You Get a Chatbot Right Away

    E-commerce is a shape-shifter. Now it’s taking on a conversational form. Nevertheless, it has always been about two things: making customers and making sales – the two exact things that chatbots are made to do which is why they are the golden geese in E-commerce. Here’s how they do it:   #1: Instant customer service – […]

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