4 Resourceful Ways You Can Use Chatbots to Get More Clients for Your Marketing Agency
To get clients, you can always go old school and run ad campaigns, ask for referrals, and make a round of cold calls… or you can do it the easy way and let a chatbot handle your sales for you. Here are some smart ways you can use chatbots to get clients for your marketing […]
5 Reasons Why Chatbots are a Big Deal in E-Commerce: Number 5 Will Make You Get a Chatbot Right Away
E-commerce is a shape-shifter. Now it’s taking on a conversational form. Nevertheless, it has always been about two things: making customers and making sales – the two exact things that chatbots are made to do which is why they are the golden geese in E-commerce. Here’s how they do it: #1: Instant customer service – […]