Effective Digital Marketing Strategies of 2018


The internet is a place that has its own civilization. Almost every other new fad and trend we know nowadays originates online so businesses have to adapt their marketing efforts according to the advances in technology. It’s nearly impossible to calculate let alone predict what exactly gets people’s attention, sparks their interest, and causes them to fall out of the edges of their seats. Luckily, we can somehow define and single out the approaches that actually work for and on people online. Check these five digital marketing strategies proven to be most promising as of today:


5. Mobile Marketing

According to comScore, the average person spends approximately four hours on their phones, that’s why it is important to always consider the impact of reaching people where they mostly are – which is on their mobiles. Forbes reports that SMS has an open rate of 98% and up to 90% of people who open the message will read it within three seconds. Mobile-focused marketing strategy creates optimal effect due to its speed, accessibility, readability, visual focus, and flexibility to different types of content consumption. In addition, mobile marketing makes way for the growth of mobile commerce, and Bloomberg projects that by the end of 2017, 60% of e-commerce visits will start on a mobile device.


4. Social Media Marketing

Even way back in 2014, 92% of marketers claimed that social media marketing was important for their business, with 80% indicating their efforts increased traffic to their websites, as reported by Hubspot. Social media marketing increases brand recognition, conversion, and brand loyalty due to the interactive or “social customer service” culture between business and consumer that arises in this platform. Aside from the customer relations management that happens in social media, the number of likes and followers on social media also helps build the trust and credibility that people attribute to a brand. Creating social media profiles extends a brand’s web traffic to new visitors aside from people who are already familiar with the brand, making way for richer customer experiences and improved customer insights.


3. Influencer Marketing

The main idea surrounding the use of influencers in digital marketing is that people will more likely listen to and make decisions approved by someone with authority and credibility than take heed of a brand or an unknown person. Based on an influencer marketing study by Tomoson, “51% of marketers believe they acquire better customers through influencer marketing.” Moreover, a research by Nielsen states that 92 percent of people trust recommendations from people over brands, so getting an influencer for your brand means getting the same trust and loyalty of their followers. Choosing an influencer who is relevant to your brand makes more impact than going for an influencer with more followers but with no connection with what your brand is all about.


2. Content Marketing

Content is the heart and soul of any brand, and strategizing content paves the way for a brand to be taken to heart by people. First and foremost, a brand’s content has to be relevant and in-depth; and prioritize quality over quantity. Second, content marketing is not only limited to written copy. The demand for visual content gives marketers more ways to personalize and make compelling content based on their audience. Video content is an integral and perpetual movement in content marketing that is, as Mark Zuckerberg said, a richer way of expressing oneself – which applies to both people and brands. Third, content has to be purpose-driven and focus on having consumers place value on the brand for a satisfying return on investment. Lastly, ephemeral content now makes higher engagement possible, as taught to us by Snapchat.


1. AI Marketing

The rise of Artificial Intelligence validates that the future is now. Even for marketing endeavors, there are a whole lot of things that AI can do. Digital marketer of CITU, Robert Allen explains the important role of artificial intelligence in the customer lifecycle. Reach can be maximized through marketing automation, voice searches, and smart curated content powered by artificial intelligence while chatbots along with predictive customer service culminates the process to conversion and engagement. Through machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence can measure leads, target ads and prices at the most relevant customers, personalize emails and online accounts and apps, and make accurate predictions about the real world. Artificial Intelligence influences consumers by maneuvering information to be part of their daily routine through real-time push notifications, updates, news, and suggestions based on their “sentiments” and preferences.


To summarize, mobile marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, and content marketing can all be ultimately incorporated in and executed by artificial intelligence marketing. Artificial intelligence encompasses all the powerful approaches to digital marketing. To know more about the applications of AI in digital marketing, let Alfa the Chatbot fill you in. Alfafusion is a 20 year-old digitech marketing company in the Philippines that specializes in the use of Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots in digital marketing. 

How to Use Instagram for Social Media Marketing

Did you know that Instagram has 600 Million users around the world and still growing?
That’s why the best time to launch your instagram marketing campaign is TODAY!
But before you put on your social media marketing cap, make sure to learn these cool and quick techniques to maximize your product or service blitz on Instagram:
Instagram Marketing 101:  Feature Your Products and Services
The fascination with Instagram is its ability to immediately capture the attention of your target customer through stunning visual images.
Make sure to take high quality images of your products or an action photo of the services you offer.   After tapping on the plus (+) sign on the app menu, just go to your gallery or the specific photos you want to upload onto Instagram.
But the coolest new feature of Instagram is the “photo carousel” function through which you can select, filter, and upload up to 10 photos for a single post.   Just simply tap on the “stacked squares icon” and choose a maximum of ten photos of products or services that you want to feature.
The best part is, you can also add videos!
High quality filtered photos are effective for marketing but a video always does it better.  With a video post, you can actually show how your product is used or show how a service you offer could benefit the customer or Instagram user.
Make Instagram Your Product Tutorial Guide
With just a few photos or perhaps a short video with annotation, you can guide existing and potential customers on how to use your product or service.  Instagram marketing is also an excellent tool for pre-sales and after-sales customer support.
Keep Customers Engaged by Using Social Media Marketing as an Activity Guide or Event Calendar
Keep customers engaged by using Instagram to post “photo posters” or video announcements about company events, product launches,  promos, and any updates that offer exciting benefits to Instagram users.
Sponsoring a major running event or sports expo? Let millions know about it instantly with a post that shows a colorful event poster with complete details.
Invite people to your own event or a company-sponsored activity with a video invite that probably includes information on how to get freebies and other cool stuff.
And yes, you can go “Instagram Live” and broadcast snippets about your event to highlight your company and, of course, your excellent products.
But you’re not a techie, you say?  No problem.  Don’t let being tech-challenged get in the way of your social media marketing success.
Just google the best digital marketing agency in the Philippines and you’ll surely find companies that offer topnotch yet budget friendly services.  Companies like Alfafusion take the time to know what their clients need and design custom-fit marketing campaigns online.
Aside from tapping Instagram for your social media marketing, hiring the best digital marketing agency in the Philippines is also a time-efficient option that is sure to give you the business results you want.

Why Social Advertising Slays TV, Radio, and Print

Advertising experts recently came up with a study on market penetration. Amazingly, the research shows that:
Social advertising reaches more customers and translates to more product or service buy-in.
– Traditional advertising is no longer as effective as it used to be because of new technologies and new customer behavior and preferences
–  Word-of-Mouth Marketing still works but the use of Social Media has transformed it into “Instant Marketing”.  Good news is now passed on to the next potential buyer instantly through the use of social media networks. No actual chat or conversation necessary between friends, neighbors, or co-workers. All it takes for your company, product, or service to gain “viral marketing chatter” is a photo, text, or video posted on social media.
– Speed spells the difference.  To reach 50 million users/viewers/listeners…
              Radio took 38 years
              TV took 13 years
              Internet took only 4 years
              But Facebook only needed 9 months to gain 100 Million Users!
Clearly, social advertising trumps traditional advertising on almost all fronts.  Decades ago, people had to rely on the Yellow Pages to search for a product or service they needed. These days, the Yellow Pages are used by small kids as a makeshift “stool” to reach for a book or toy on a high shelf.  It is no longer an effective platform for advertising.
Social advertising as a platform is real time. It doesn’t need to wait for a potential customer to walk by and notice your billboard.  No need to look for blockbuster movies or tv shows to make a wise product placement that hopefully would be seen by the viewer (who could be flipping channels or getting up to get a sandwich during commercial breaks).  With social advertising, getting the potential customer’s attention is almost inevitable. Smart phones let you do that.
What Fortune 500 companies already know is that investing in paid campaigns have increased their brand recognition, widened their customer base, and ultimately, improved their bottomline.
Nobody walks around with a  radio or TV strapped on the waist.  But today, most people can’t live and work without a smartphone.  This fact makes social advertising and paid campaigns a more efficient and effective tool for taking your company to greater heights and depths in dominating the market.

6 Ways To Optimize Your Facebook Page

AlfaFusion Blog - 6 Ways To Optimize Your Facebook Page

Facebook has definitely become not just a social media platform for individuals, but a great and effective marketing tool for businesses as well. Thru it, businesses get to gain awareness for their brand and products/services via shares and likes, but it is also important to optimize your Facebook page in order to gain maximum exposure and get the traffic you desire for your website. How to do it? Here are some ways:

1. Make Your Facebook Name Ring

What’s in a name? Well, for SEO and for social media marketing Philippines, it matters a lot. So, it’s important for you to think long and hard about this one for once you’ve decided on a page name, there’s no turning back. You have to stick to it for when it comes to SEO, renaming isn’t ever good. Make it something appealing and something likely to stick to other people’s minds as well. In other words, make sure it sounds legit.

2. Incorporate Your Business Name into Your URL Name

Yes, search engines also look at the URL, so make sure yours includes the name of your business, or any other words or terms related to it. You are able to pick a username as long as you already have a hundred fans on Facebook, so once you do so you can just go to http://facebook.com/username and go ahead and change it to one that would help your site rank in search engines.

3. Place Keywords on the “About” and “Info” Sections

As you fill in the “About” and “Info” sections on your Facebook page, make sure to insert keywords in your descriptions. You should also include your business address as well as the link to your website so that your business can appear in local searches.

4. Don’t Undervalue Photo Descriptions

Since Facebook is also a great platform for sharing photos, make sure to add descriptions to these with, of course, keywords for your brand. Use these keywords as much as you can as you place captions on the photos. As these photos are shared, so will the keywords work their way to earning a high search engine ranking for your site.

5. Insert Keywords In Your Status Updates

You’ve already inserted keywords in the business description sections and photo captions, how much more can you insert them in your status updates! In this section, you can share link-bait items from your website, which provides you a great way to drive traffic to it. Include keyword-enriched text to the post, but keep it short and enticing enough to make them want to learn more or keep reading and click on the link.

6. Use Notes and Discussion Boards

Search engines also index the content on notes and discussion boards on Facebook, so make sure to maximize the use of these. Don’t forget to make your content keyword-rich.