SEO For Your Website

Running an online business isn’t as simple as one may think. With the many other businesses trying to make a name for themselves on the internet, being visible or building awareness for your site would be truly difficult, if not impossible, without the help of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as well as the help of an SEO agency Philippines. In a world of fiercely intense competition on the internet, SEO is definitely what a business needs to do in order to get ahead in the game.

Simplify Your Website

When we say simple, it does not mean being boring or unappealing, but prioritizing being organized and user-friendly above being impressive in design. Yes, a jazzed up website can stir interest, but when your visitors find out that they would have to go through a myriad of pages and sections or categories just to get to whatever it is they are looking for or need, sorry, not everyone has the patience to go through more confusion, as if life is not complicated and difficult enough. Keep your site simple yet stylish, and make navigation as smooth and easy as can be. You’ll find that not only will people be willing to explore your site, you’ll get to convert them into customers as well.

Don’t forget to place Calls to Action

There are times when people would like to be told what to do, such as when they are being indecisive about something. For instance, when thinking about making a purchase, some people tend to overanalyze things and would appreciate someone just telling them to go ahead and buy it in order to put them out of their misery. Calls-to-action do exactly that, they tell your customers what to do. “Buy Now”, “Place Your Order Now””Add to Cart”, “Proceed to Checkout”. Short phrases yet direct to the point and full of impact. These are all examples of great calls-to-action which definitely prompt the shopper to make a decision now, and to act on it, quick! Without these, your visitors may be forever left going over the idea in their minds and just decide not to buy in the end. With calls-to-action that are clear and concise, give your visitors a nudge to the right decision.

Be Relevant

One important thing to remember when it comes to practicing good SEO? Be relevant. This is indeed one of the best ways to get noticed by search engines and earn you a high ranking on results pages. Make sure to use relevant keywords at all times. You’ll find that it’s not only the search engines that are going to notice, internet users – those who are actually looking for you and what you have to offer, are going to want to check you out as well, and you’ll also have other sites be willing to link back to you.

How to Make Your Website SEO Friendly

AlfaFusion Blog - How to Make Your Website SEO Friendly

Web design isn’t just about designing your website for your target audience. It is also important to design it for search engines – meaning designing it in a way that these search engines would take notice of your site and find your content to be deserving of a high ranking on their results pages. With the help of a digital agency Philippines, here are 5 ways you can make your website SEO-friendly by taking web design, SEO and internet users into consideration and trying to understand how they work together.

1. Make your content easy to read and your links distinguishable

As you design your website, make sure to layout your content and images in a way that will draw users to consume them. Links are also important so make them stand out by giving them a distinct feature from the rest of the text. This will help your users easily click on them, helping lead to better SEO results.

2. Have a quick load time

This is a given as who wants to have to wait for a site to load? Even if it’s actually only a few seconds, a few seconds equate to ages for a user with a shorter-than-usual attention span when on the internet. Want to make a good impression on your visitors and make them stay on your site? Have a real snappy load time. This gives you a good impression on search engines as well, again leading to better SEO results.

3. Ensure clean code

This will also ensure that search engines will be able to check crucial aspects of your website which can lead to being given a higher ranking on their results pages. Neglect this and you run the risk of being overlooked.

4. Provide great content

Content that’s not only search engine optimized, with relevant keywords and meta tags, but provides must-read material as well is a great way to attract traffic to your site. A great practice is to put up a blog section on your website where useful and interesting articles are offered. Keep in mind – ‘content is king’.

5. Optimize your URLs as well

URLs are not only helpful in enabling a user to have an idea about what he/she can find on a page, they are also helpful in making your website rank as search engines also crawl them, along with the content of your website.

How to Improve Your Mobile SEO

AlfaFusion Blog - How to Improve Your Mobile SEO

With numerous studies proving that more and more people are now using their mobile phones to get on the web, and that people spend more and more time on their mobile phones to search, it is clear that mobile phones are on their way to becoming the primary way for people to access the internet. Indeed, with all the conveniences a mobile phone offers, this shouldn’t be much of a surprise. With this new development however, it is important for businesses, as well as for a SEO services Philippines, to keep up with the times and make sure to list mobile SEO at the top of their priorities.

Here are 5 ways to help you improve your mobile SEO:

1. Use the ‘mobile first’ approach

With PC sales getting lower and lower all over the world, you know that it is due to mobile phone usage overtaking the use of desktops. That’s why, in developing your site, it is important for you to do so with mobile design at the top of your agenda.

2. Make your site responsive

Before thinking about how to design your site in a way that will make it responsive, it is necessary to think mobile first because this will help you determine how you would be presenting your content. With one of the main problems of achieving responsive web design being the load time, it is important to remember that how you design your site for mobile will be different from how it is designed for desktops. Load time is very important when it comes to keeping a visitor on your site, and a faster one could lead to higher conversion rates, and of course, higher revenue.

3. Ensure your mobile site is fast and can be easily navigated

One thing about mobile browsing is that at times, buttons are so small that they’re difficult to click, as well as everything else that you have to keep on zooming the screen or scrolling up and down, which can indeed get pretty frustrating. Make sure to design your mobile site with the convenience of users at the forefront of your mind, such as making buttons easy to click with their thumbs, or having a great interface. The more usable your mobile site is, the more likely visitors will be converted into customers.

4. Simplify your landing pages

Again, a mobile site is not the same as one you can access on a desktop. The landing pages on your mobile site shouldn’t be the same as the ones on your desktop site. Maximize the use of your mobile site by placing call-to-actions at the very top of the page, so that users on-the-go need not waste time navigating your mobile site for whatever it is they need.

5. Do a lot of testing for your site before making it go live

This will help your site be as effective and user-friendly as it can be. By doing a lot of testing, you get to determine what kind of layout, CTA, design, etc. a user will have a positive response to the most.

5 Ways SEO Can Boost Your Business

AlfaFusion Blog - 5 Ways SEO Can Boost Your Business

For businesses, especially start-up ones, it isn’t enough that you have a great product or service, with a state of the art website to boot. Unless people come across your website and find out about you, what’s the use? Your business would pretty much be just another face in the crowd, if not totally obscure. Your goal is to be known and, even more, to stand out. If you’d like to gain an edge over your thousands of competitors online, here are 5 ways you can do so, with the help of SEO:

1. SEO helps you rank on search engines

Every time you search for something online and the results page comes up, of course you click on the top result and the succeeding ones, but rarely do you get up to the second page or even beyond result #5. The goal of SEO is for your website to be able to snag one of those top spots, if not the top spot, for as we all know that’s where most clicks go. If you’re nowhere to be found at the top or at least anywhere on the first page, it would be difficult for your website to gain traffic. Without SEO, as well as the help of an SEO expert Philippines, it would be difficult for your website to rank at all. It’s not going to be instant. It will take time, and a lot of focused and consistent effort, but you’ll find that all your efforts will be worth it once you see what a high ranking on SERPs (search engine results pages) can do for your business.

2. SEO helps generate traffic to your website

As a result of getting a high ranking on search engine result pages, greater traffic will be generated to your website. Traffic is the amount of visitors you get for your site. The higher your website’s ranking, the higher the likelihood that people will be clicking on your site, and the more people clicking on your site, the better. Your website is your online store, and just like a real store, it won’t be able to survive without any visitors. You need traffic in order for your website to gain leads and pull in prospects.

One other thing, through SEO, you get to generate traffic for free! No need to pay for an online advertising service to do the job for you.

3. SEO helps pull in leads/prospects

SEO works very hard for your website to gain visibility and build awareness because once this is achieved and people, especially your target audience, get to easily find and access your website, the rest, as they say, is history. The possibilities are endless from there. Those visitors may or may not be converted into customers, but just having them on your website could already be the start of a great and ongoing relationship with them, either as prospects, customers, partners, or investors.

4. SEO helps increase your sales

Whenever you gain visitors to your website, of course, some of those may just look around, while others will be converted into customers. Through SEO, your website will also be made more user-friendly so that people will not just land there, but actually explore it. Of course, they wouldn’t have been able to find out about your website in the first place without SEO, therefore you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to show them what you have to offer. The more known you are, the more chances you’re able to sell, and the more sales you’ll be able to generate.

5. SEO delivers an ongoing ROI over the long-term

SEO isn’t just about delivering quick results. It works to ensure that efforts for your site to rank and gain traffic will produce long-lasting effects. Done right, SEO can help your site stay at a high ranking even after you stop doing SEO, but that is not to say you should forget about optimizing your site altogether and just rest on your laurels once you’ve achieved a high ranking. Indeed, SEO is not an expense, but an investment, which can give you a high return, not just now, but over the long-term.

3 Reminders for SEO Clients

lfaFusion Blog - 3 Reminders for SEO Clients

1. SEO Takes A LOT of Work

Though the concept of SEO and the results it can generate are indeed exciting, clients must keep in mind that it’s not going to be one simple and easy road. SEO is hard work. A lot of groundwork needs to be done, which is going to take time, before one can actually get the ball rolling. There’s keyword research, assigning them to your pages, organizing and improving your website to make it more SEO-friendly, working on your content, and a whole lot of other things. Extensive research is also going to be needed. Clients need to understand that before they can get the results they desire, a lot of time and effort need to be invested into this endeavor, and they should not expect to see results immediately. They must have a long-term outlook and would need to stay committed.

2. Be Committed

Indeed, results are not going to be overnight. Affordable SEO services Philippines know this all too well and this is something that clients would also need to understand. SEO involves a long and arduous process, and one will need to stick to it even if results can’t be seen right away. One also needs to keep in mind that nothing is ever really permanent when it comes to search engine algorithms. Previous recommended practices may no longer be advocated, and things that were formerly not advised to be done are now being suggested. That’s why…

3. Patience Is Key

Be patient, not just in waiting for the time you’ll finally be able to see your SEO efforts bear fruit, but also with the process. As we’ve discussed, SEO best practices can be quite fickle, and when it turns out that what you’re doing – which you thought would work – are actually not going to make things work, patiently study and move on to what could. In time, you’ll be able to see all your hard work and efforts paying off, and definitely worth it.