6 Ways To Optimize Your Facebook Page

AlfaFusion Blog - 6 Ways To Optimize Your Facebook Page

Facebook has definitely become not just a social media platform for individuals, but a great and effective marketing tool for businesses as well. Thru it, businesses get to gain awareness for their brand and products/services via shares and likes, but it is also important to optimize your Facebook page in order to gain maximum exposure and get the traffic you desire for your website. How to do it? Here are some ways:

1. Make Your Facebook Name Ring

What’s in a name? Well, for SEO and for social media marketing Philippines, it matters a lot. So, it’s important for you to think long and hard about this one for once you’ve decided on a page name, there’s no turning back. You have to stick to it for when it comes to SEO, renaming isn’t ever good. Make it something appealing and something likely to stick to other people’s minds as well. In other words, make sure it sounds legit.

2. Incorporate Your Business Name into Your URL Name

Yes, search engines also look at the URL, so make sure yours includes the name of your business, or any other words or terms related to it. You are able to pick a username as long as you already have a hundred fans on Facebook, so once you do so you can just go to http://facebook.com/username and go ahead and change it to one that would help your site rank in search engines.

3. Place Keywords on the “About” and “Info” Sections

As you fill in the “About” and “Info” sections on your Facebook page, make sure to insert keywords in your descriptions. You should also include your business address as well as the link to your website so that your business can appear in local searches.

4. Don’t Undervalue Photo Descriptions

Since Facebook is also a great platform for sharing photos, make sure to add descriptions to these with, of course, keywords for your brand. Use these keywords as much as you can as you place captions on the photos. As these photos are shared, so will the keywords work their way to earning a high search engine ranking for your site.

5. Insert Keywords In Your Status Updates

You’ve already inserted keywords in the business description sections and photo captions, how much more can you insert them in your status updates! In this section, you can share link-bait items from your website, which provides you a great way to drive traffic to it. Include keyword-enriched text to the post, but keep it short and enticing enough to make them want to learn more or keep reading and click on the link.

6. Use Notes and Discussion Boards

Search engines also index the content on notes and discussion boards on Facebook, so make sure to maximize the use of these. Don’t forget to make your content keyword-rich.

Digital Marketing in the Philippines

Digital Marketing is the collective term for creating and strengthening relationships with customers, both external and internal; partners, suppliers and other publics through online technologies and actions that promote a brand, empower the interchange of information, sell products and services and achieve many other business objectives. In the clutter of millions of websites all vying for audience views, engagement and recall above competitors, effective digital marketing has become a crucial element of any business’ success. It is increasingly becoming more difficult to be found online and the competition can be quite fierce. Companies are now shifting huge chunks of their trimedia advertising budget to digital as they scramble to reach and engage with their target customers online ahead of competitors.

And the prize is no small thing….

The Philippines is indisputably one of the most social nations in the world with online usage among the highest, second only to Brazil in time spent online. Filipinos are very family-oriented and are naturally friendly, making the adoption of new Internet technologies, which enable stronger personal and business relationships, easy and organic. With the huge opportunity to create closer ties with Philippine consumers through the delivery of personalized experiences of one’s brand, companies cannot resist the enormous possibilities for selling more product and developing loyal customers.

AlfaFusion Digital - Time Spent on the Internet

image source: http://fleirecastro.com/guides/social-media-and-digital-stats-in-the-philippines-2016-wearesocial-data/

Philippine Online Statistics

A huge Internet penetration of about 47.1 million of the Philippines’ 2016 population and a mobile penetration 37.5 million Filipinos enable users to spend an average of over 5 hours online daily. Imagine the enormous number of daily interactions that happen online as Filipinos’ work and social life melt into each other on a variety of online meeting places and platforms.

AlfaFusion Digital - Frequency of Internet Use

46% of Philippine users say they use the Internet daily while 30% say they use at least once a week.
image source: http://fleirecastro.com/guides/social-media-and-digital-stats-in-the-philippines-2016-wearesocial-data/

How do Filipinos access the Internet?

A majority of Filipinos (about 64%) still access the Internet using their desktop and laptop computers but this percentage is 12% lower than the previous year with mobile webpage views making a huge 53% leap year on year, and gaining a 29% share of total webpage views.

AlfaFusion Digital - Share of Web Traffic

image source: http://fleirecastro.com/guides/social-media-and-digital-stats-in-the-philippines-2016-wearesocial-data/

Filipinos in Social Media

There is a staggering 48 million active social media users in the Philippines, which is why companies are scrambling against each other to put their brands before customers on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, in a way that makes a stronger impact than competitors.

AlfaFusion Digital - Social Media Use

imgae source” http://fleirecastro.com/guides/social-media-and-digital-stats-in-the-philippines-2016-wearesocial-data/

It is typical that users access their social networks using both desktops and laptops, but 41 million out of all social media users also access using their mobile devices, making posting on their social channels and engaging with family, friends, partners and customers convenient, even on the go.