Monthly Archives: February 2018

5 Reasons Why Chatbots are a Big Deal in E-Commerce: Number 5 Will Make You Get a Chatbot Right Away

E-commerce is a shape-shifter. Now it’s taking on a conversational form. Nevertheless, it has always been about two things: making customers and making sales – the two exact things that chatbots are made to do which is why they are the golden geese in E-commerce. Here’s how they do it:   #1: Instant customer service – […]

Chatbots for Customer Care in Your Insurance Company

If there’s a fourth basic human need, it would be insurance. Today, customers entrust their protection and security only to the best insurance companies in the world, so why should they relegate customer service to anything that can do less? While your insurance company handles investment care, chatbots can deal with customer care for you. […]

Love Goes Digital: Love Chatbots on FB Messenger

Love really knows no boundaries. Today, love seeps even through the cold, lifeless grids of cyberspace with dating apps, websites, and programs dedicated to bring love online. Now, with chatbots’ presence on our most used messaging apps, love has the chance to reach us more personally and intimately. This Valentine’s day, discover chatbots that can […]

How Chatbots Can Help You If Your Business is in the Hospitality or Tourism Field

The more sophisticated technology becomes, the smarter consumers get about what they want. Now that consumers began to favor digital brand interaction, marketers quickly latched on and began to cultivate a breeding ground for E-commerce on social media and messaging platforms, and chatbots and AI are the number one technology that businesses can rely on […]