Monthly Archives: February 2017

How to Use Chatbots to Succeed in Customer Relations Management

Using technology to advance your customer relationship management strategy is no longer an option. It is a must, if you wish to succeed and thrive in today’s market.   Keeping your customers loyal and satisfied is no longer just about coming out with top-of-the-line products and unique services.  It must also include giving the customer […]

Why Social Advertising Slays TV, Radio, and Print

Advertising experts recently came up with a study on market penetration. Amazingly, the research shows that:   – Social advertising reaches more customers and translates to more product or service buy-in.   – Traditional advertising is no longer as effective as it used to be because of new technologies and new customer behavior and preferences […]

Six Ways Chatbots Can Make Your Life Easier

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why is life so difficult?” Perhaps, you’ve also asked the same question when it comes to your company or business. “Why is our company struggling?”                     Whether your challenge is in having unified communications or finding the right call center crm, you and your company need not despair. There are […]

How to Maximize Marketing with Digital Advertising

Making a business work is no longer just about putting up a sign along a high traffic street or putting out ads in the newspaper. If you want the business to succeed, leveraging on the power of digital advertising is simply a must. Traditional advertising such as ad placement in newspapers, billboards, t.v., and radio […]